Protecting Valley Creek - VFTU [wins settlement]



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
From VFTU most recent newsletter:

After months of promises by Tredyffrin Township, conversations with Penn Environment, the National Environmental Law Center and internal negotiations with Trout Unlimited the Valley Forge Chapter of Trout Unlimited was granted the permission to be a co-signer of a letter of intent to file suit in Federal Court in Philadelphia against Tredyffrin Township and the Tredyffrin Municipal Authority due to violations of the Clean Water Act relating to the sewer line breaks along Valley Creek.

This has been an arduous and agonizing process. We would like to believe that Tredyffrin was headed in the right direction with their consultant CH2MHill investigating the issues with this aged force main. However, there is no indication that an emergency plan that addresses our issues is even realistically being considered.

Fred Gender has expressed the VFTU sentiment succinctly, "...while the initial breaks are disturbing it is the "fix" that has had the greatest adverse impact on the stream. The township willingly contaminates 2 miles of creek through the National Park because of a lack of an emergency plan or an unwillingness to do something different is what I find unacceptable. They have no control over leaks at this point but they do have control over the magnitude of the contamination since they directly cause the greatest discharge." And further from VFTU President Robbi Freisem, "Yes, the issue is lack of even committing to find a different emergency plan than dumping sewage in the stream while a break is being repaired. The law makes it possible to apply pressure for making a plan."

We, VFTU, did not want to be in this position having to decide whether to sue a township that we are partnering with on several projects. But it is our mission, to preserve, protect and restore coldwater fisheries. We would not be true to ourselves and our members if we did not stand up for a clean Valley Creek. If we could have assured success another way, that way would have been taken.
afishinado wrote:
From VFTU most recent newsletter:

After months of promises by Tredyffrin Township, conversations with Penn Environment, the National Environmental Law Center and internal negotiations with Trout Unlimited the Valley Forge Chapter of Trout Unlimited was granted the permission to be a co-signer of a letter of intent to file suit in Federal Court in Philadelphia against Tredyffrin Township and the Tredyffrin Municipal Authority [my bold] due to violations of the Clean Water Act relating to the sewer line breaks along Valley Creek.

Let's hope something happens.
Hopefully it works. I like that stream. May head there Thursday morning.
VFTU is THE reason Valley Creek has been as good as it has been for several decades. But there is still diligent work to be done, and the good folks at VFTU are trying their best to do it. Any support the beneficiaries of the stream can summon up would be appropriate. article published Oct 6 is linked below. It says another break is very likely.

Pic of waste water being pumped into Valley:


Valley Forge sewage spill target of legal action
RC - Thats exactly what we are trying to prevent from happening again. That location is almost 2 miles upstream from the break in the pipe.
Cheers for VFTU.
Not going to waste too much time here but this isn't actually a "great" story.
There are many details that aren't shared that I'm not going to get into but just know they exist.
These kinds of actions can be very tough on townships both financially and moving forward in a cooperative manner. Other agencies involved also could pose problems.

I hope this works out for all parties involved but I doubt it.

Even if this sewer line issue is resolved, which it won't be anyway, Valley faces far more and never ending problems due to the nature of where it is located.
Streamer - I did not see anyone call this a great story. It's not a great story at all, its a sad story. Sad that this had to be the next step taken to try to get the right thing done. Willfully dumping that sewage farther upstream during a breakage is not right. There has to be a better action plan in place for the next time it happens...which will happen due to the age of the infrastructure. Hopefully a better plan can be agreed upon.
In addition to the township I would think the Chesterbrook home owners association should bear some responsibility.
Fade - The Chesterbrook HOA is not involved. It is the Municipal Sewer Authority and Tredyffrin Township. Without getting into too much its really about having a better action plan for when these breakages occur. There has to be a way to keep the amount of stream impacted to a minimum not the maximum.
Just curious:what is the Townships' reason for not doing the remedial work suggested by TU?It's probably cost,but would be intereted in learning their reasoning.
Tom - at this time I'd like to know more from the Township as well. There hopefully will be so meaningful dialogue. I will keep you informed when I know and can say more.
There has been a settlement regarding the sewage dumping into Valley Creek. Their is a press release that can be read at . I am very non-tech savvy and tried to attach the link and could not. Maybe a little from someone on the site here ??

Found the link, Andy and posted it below. Thanks.

Valley Creek Sewage Leak

Dave - Thanks for responding to my email this morning and attaching the press release. If there is more info to be shared I will try to get it posted . Thanks again.
More details are in the Conservation section,36851.html

but this should be exposed to the general audience. Obviously this will help protect the vaunted Valley Creek, which many here admit to ffishing. But the specific legal and relationship-building approach used here is of general interest to anyone who cares about clean water, where you fish it, ffish it, trout it or just drink it.

PS - could use some help making the link go to the post directly....

This is indeed a good story and further evidence of the fine reputation of Valley Forge TU and its local influence and volunteer efforts. Kudos.
I have mixed feelings on this lawsuit. I am all for TU's objectives and actions towards protecting cold water fisheries, but I am also a bit concerned that their actions here were not in the best interests of solving the issue at hand.

Will TU use these funds to help solve this issue or just use it to plant trees and stabilize banks?

I do not pretend to know all of the details of this lawsuit, but it seems counter-productive to me. I understand that lawsuits in their nature force those in a position of authority to adhere to their responsibilities in this manner, but undermining those people with a lawsuit is just making it monetarily more difficult for them to solve the issue at hand.

It is not a win IMO.

I haven't read the linked thread yet. I didn't think think TU was seeking any money in the suit though. Maybe I'll see something different once I read the link?