Send Your Letters Today To …
Only Partial Cleanup of Dangerous Contamination Using a Taxpayer Funded Grant to Benefit a Private Developer
Devastation of Woodlands
Damage to Wetlands
Ongoing & Increasing Pollution of Little Valley Creek, an Exceptional Value Stream
Full Clean Up of the Toxic Contamination at the Site at the Expense of Responsible Parties
Protection of the Woodlands, Wetlands and Creek
Protection as Public Open Space for Community Enjoyment and Benefit
Background: The 13.7 acre Bishop Tube site (located in Chester County, PA, on the east side of Malin Road, south of US Route 30) has been abused by industry for over 50 years. The site, formerly used to process precious metals and fabricate tubing and pipeline products, is heavily contaminated with chlorinated solvents, acids and heavy metals. This contamination has impacted neighboring communities and the environment.
Rather than continue the abuse, and destroy all the natural beauty of the site for a massive, oversized, development, the community wants the site contamination fully cleaned up by responsible parties and the site protected as natural open space. Protection will benefit all who live around the site in Frazer, Malvern and East Whiteland, and will benefit all who appreciate, enjoy, and live along Little Valley Creek, tributary to Valley Creek, the stream directly in jeopardy from the proposal.
Contaminants currently at the site include TCE, nitric and hydrofluoric acids; various oils; and other hazardous materials not properly handled or disposed of. Industrial operations began in 1951. The plant closed in 1999.
While the site is dangerously contaminated, there is also beautiful nature worthy of saving. Woodlands, wetlands and Little Valley Creek, part of the exceptional value Valley Creek watershed, grace the location as well.
The proposed development, including approximately 200 new homes, would cut trees, damage the creek and wetlands, and only partially address contamination at the site. Saturated soils and groundwater would remain highly contaminated. Contamination would continue to affect the surrounding environment and community, including ongoing discharges of contaminated groundwater to Little Valley Creek. It is unknown if full remediation would take place under this current plan.
We need your support to ensure full clean up and natural protection for the site, so the community that has been most affected all of these years is not just protected but is also benefitted. We want to ensure that the known responsible parties are the ones held accountable for the costs of clean up. We do not want to see a $1 million grant used to fund only a partial clean up that will support a massive development which will financially benefit a private development corporation and harm the community.
Action 1) Sign on today to a set of community letters targeting key decisionmakers.
You can sign on at:
Action 2) Sign on in support of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network’s comment regarding the deal struck between the PADEP and Constitution Drive Partners regarding the Bishop Tube site at:
Action 3) and/or Send your own personal letters.Send them to:
Patrick McDonnell, Acting Secretary, PA Department of Environmental Protection
Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market St., Harrisburg, PA 17101
Dennis Davin, Secretary, PA Department of Community & Economic Development
Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, 4th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225
Chester County Commissioners, 313 West Market St., West Chester, PA 19380
East Whiteland Township Supervisors
Municipal Building, 209 Conestoga Road, Frazer, PA 19355
Senator Andy Dinniman
District Office, One North Church Street, West Chester, PA 19380
Representative Duane Milne
District Office 70, Lancaster Avenue, Suite B, Malvern, PA 19355
Link to source:
Only Partial Cleanup of Dangerous Contamination Using a Taxpayer Funded Grant to Benefit a Private Developer
Devastation of Woodlands
Damage to Wetlands
Ongoing & Increasing Pollution of Little Valley Creek, an Exceptional Value Stream
Full Clean Up of the Toxic Contamination at the Site at the Expense of Responsible Parties
Protection of the Woodlands, Wetlands and Creek
Protection as Public Open Space for Community Enjoyment and Benefit
Background: The 13.7 acre Bishop Tube site (located in Chester County, PA, on the east side of Malin Road, south of US Route 30) has been abused by industry for over 50 years. The site, formerly used to process precious metals and fabricate tubing and pipeline products, is heavily contaminated with chlorinated solvents, acids and heavy metals. This contamination has impacted neighboring communities and the environment.
Rather than continue the abuse, and destroy all the natural beauty of the site for a massive, oversized, development, the community wants the site contamination fully cleaned up by responsible parties and the site protected as natural open space. Protection will benefit all who live around the site in Frazer, Malvern and East Whiteland, and will benefit all who appreciate, enjoy, and live along Little Valley Creek, tributary to Valley Creek, the stream directly in jeopardy from the proposal.
Contaminants currently at the site include TCE, nitric and hydrofluoric acids; various oils; and other hazardous materials not properly handled or disposed of. Industrial operations began in 1951. The plant closed in 1999.
While the site is dangerously contaminated, there is also beautiful nature worthy of saving. Woodlands, wetlands and Little Valley Creek, part of the exceptional value Valley Creek watershed, grace the location as well.
The proposed development, including approximately 200 new homes, would cut trees, damage the creek and wetlands, and only partially address contamination at the site. Saturated soils and groundwater would remain highly contaminated. Contamination would continue to affect the surrounding environment and community, including ongoing discharges of contaminated groundwater to Little Valley Creek. It is unknown if full remediation would take place under this current plan.
We need your support to ensure full clean up and natural protection for the site, so the community that has been most affected all of these years is not just protected but is also benefitted. We want to ensure that the known responsible parties are the ones held accountable for the costs of clean up. We do not want to see a $1 million grant used to fund only a partial clean up that will support a massive development which will financially benefit a private development corporation and harm the community.
Action 1) Sign on today to a set of community letters targeting key decisionmakers.
You can sign on at:
Action 2) Sign on in support of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network’s comment regarding the deal struck between the PADEP and Constitution Drive Partners regarding the Bishop Tube site at:
Action 3) and/or Send your own personal letters.Send them to:
Patrick McDonnell, Acting Secretary, PA Department of Environmental Protection
Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market St., Harrisburg, PA 17101
Dennis Davin, Secretary, PA Department of Community & Economic Development
Commonwealth Keystone Building, 400 North Street, 4th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225
Chester County Commissioners, 313 West Market St., West Chester, PA 19380
East Whiteland Township Supervisors
Municipal Building, 209 Conestoga Road, Frazer, PA 19355
Senator Andy Dinniman
District Office, One North Church Street, West Chester, PA 19380
Representative Duane Milne
District Office 70, Lancaster Avenue, Suite B, Malvern, PA 19355
Link to source: