Paflyfish Jamboree 2016: May 20th - 22nd



New member
Jan 15, 2015
I know it is still a ways off but i have to request my time off early to make sure I can come up again. Have the dates been set for this event? I had such a great time the last one.

We usually don't pick a date til January but you can bank on it being the weekend between Mothers Day and Memorial Day. It has been for many years of late.
You can bank on it, if you like to take risks. The government won't bail you out, however.

Mother's Day May 8, 2016
Memorial Day May 30 2016.

Two weekends to choose from.
I suggest May 20-22.

(The other option being 13-15).
LOL...I didn't check. Figures. Book it for the one before Mem Day.
I think we should consult the Farmer's Almanac first.
I already did. Rain with a chance of rain! As long as I don' t get sick again,snxx!
I vote for 13 - 15 but it's up to DKile. GG when the date is finalized I will reserve the #Cabin
20-22 would be awesome but looking forward to it either way!

Whatever day in May that Penns Creek hit's 6000 cfs! Nothing determined just yet, but stay tuned. I need to ask my mom what works for her.
Wasn't trying to help, just being polite. On the other hand I may have been a sarcastic politically incorrect T-Shirt wearing #JewishGuy
It'd be nice if the weekend prior was NOT mother's day. I feel so guilty telling my wife happy mothers day, and oh, by the way, I'm leaving you with the kids for a week. Buh bye!

Ah well, a full week probably isn't in the cards for me next year anyway. Losing 3 days of vacation, and planning a family beach trip later in the summer, so...
pro4mance wrote:
Wasn't trying to help, just being polite. On the other hand I may have been a sarcastic politically incorrect T-Shirt wearing #JewishGuy

I not quite sure if that went over Maurice's head or not, because in either case, it probably won't help. :p
I hope May 20-22 is the weekend. That would work great for me.
So a question to all of you that stay at Seven Mountains. The last few years I booked, I prepaid the entire stay, because that is all that the website allows you to do.

Is everyone doing that? Or are you just calling them and setting something up where your credit card isn't charged for the full amount that day, and you settle up when you check-out?

The only reason I ask, is I have a work event happening in May, whose date hasn't been decided yet, and I may need to alter my days depending on what date is ultimately decided for the Jam.


I would call them and discuss it. The dates have not been set. In any case, I think it you reserve, say Friday and Saturday, and pay a deposit less than both nights, you may still be on the hook if you decide not to stay on Saturday, or to come on Saturday only. If they reserve it, you probably can't back out at the last moment, leaving an empty cabin that they might have rented.
Thanks Jack. I look forward to hearing some more of your jokes next year. I especially liked the "didn't have a leg to stand on one"....HAHA.....