2016 PAFF Eastern fly tying jamboree Feb. 6


Active member
Jan 15, 2013

To all PAFF members, family, and friends:

You are invited to attend and participate in the 2016 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Jamboree, to be held on Saturday, February 6, from 10 AM to 5 PM.

This event is being hosted by Heritage-Angler and myself. Either of us will answer any questions regarding the event.

This event will be held at the Lehigh Gap Nature Center, in Slatington, PA. Directions can be found here:


Everyone is invited to attend and watch the demonstrations, get tips from the the tyers, and have a great time. We particularly encourage beginner tyers to attend, and we'll have beginner instruction set up at a table. Details to follow.

As always, we need to recruit a team of volunteer tyers of all skill levels to participate and we ask that you register your willingness to give a demonstration by signing up in this thread. Each tyer will be given 15-20 minutes to tie and explain their chosen demo fly. Tyers will tie one at a time, proceeding around the room. Please choose a pattern that fits in to one of the following categories, and list it in your signup post. Duplicates are OK, but try to pick a pattern that hasn't already been chosen.


- Catskill style dries
- parachute style dries
- comparadun and hairwing style dries
- emergers
- imitative nymphs
- attractor nymphs
- terrestrials
- wet flies
- streamers
- "other" flies

Tying on a large hook (e.g. #12) makes it much easier for the audience to see what you are doing. It really helps if you practice your "demo" beforehand, especially to keep within the time limit. Having all materials laid out beforehand is also good. We should be able to fit about 30 tyers into the rotation. If we have extra time, that time will be used for Q & A sessions following each demo. We request that the tyers explain techniques as they go, rather than just tying the fly, and explaining afterwards. This can easily make a 5 minute tie into a 15 minute tie, so be prepared.

Things to bring:

All Tools and materials to tie your chosen demo fly. A tying lamp and any extension cords you need - there's an ample number of outlets on the walls behind the tying tables.

Bring any food or drinks you'd like to, but save room for dinner! We'll provide spring water on ice.

It's a good idea to get there and set up your tying gear before 10AM. We'll have access to the hall at the LGNC at 9AM, so please be ready to start tying at 10AM.

We'll also be holding a raffle at 5 PM of donated tying materials and flyfishing gear. Any donations to this raffle are welcome, and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Lehigh Gap Nature Center, as a "thank you" for allowing us to use their beautiful facility for this event.

We'll be heading over to Riverwalck's Saloon after the event for drinks and dinner. Directions to Riverwalck's Saloon can be found here:


Let the hostess know you are with Paflyfish, and she'll take you to our tables.

Looking forward to a fun and educational day, meeting new PAFF members, and seeing old friends and fishing buddies!

Please sign up below, and don't forget to list your chosen demo fly. Let the games begin!

This event will be hosted this year by yours truly GenCon and Mooney4.

OK, So I've never tied in front of someone before. This should be nerve racking. I've only met a few of the members on this board over the years but I guess this would be a good way to solve that.

I'll commit to tie an "other fly". Its the fly I posted on the initial fly tying thread about this event. A pic is there.

I guess some may call it a small caddis, others may call it a midge or attractor. Its small( 16 or 18 ) but I will practice tying it larger to view.
Do you want folks to respond here if they just want to attend but not tie? Sounds like a fun time, and I like to learn.
Mike B
Hi Trout, Thank you for stepping up to tie. All levels of tiers are encouraged to attend. The first time i tied in front of people, I was also nervous. Over the years that Ive attended there have been lots of new tiers and they are always welcomed. We are all there to learn from each other so take your time. You have plenty of time to practice too. I would suggest when you sit down to tie, to get all your materials in front of you so they are ready to be used. See how long it takes to tie your fly. You also might want to tie in front of a couple family members or friends to get a use to being in front of others. Im sure you will do a great job! See you there.
Skeet, you don't need to let us know if you will be coming but I don't mind if people do. Do you tie your own flies?
I told my wife I'll need a light to take. I customarily tie in our sunroom. This will be an x-mas gift for me🙂
That sounds like perfect timing!! I would suggest an Ott light. They are daylight balanced.
mooney4 wrote:
That sounds like perfect timing!! I would suggest an Ott light. They are daylight balanced.

I 2nd the Ott light. It's is great to have interest already.

We will soon start a roster of who is tying and what fly they will tie.

Man! Odds are I won't be able to attend this year due to my work schedule. If anyone is on the fence about attending, this is a great event with tons of knowledge shared, a lot of jokes cracked, and ALWAYS a great meal afterwards.

GenCon, I'd like to donate some flies for the raffle...I'll get in touch.
Nice, Jay348 ties some nice flies. Bummer u can't make it though.

I'm in! I'd like to tie a streamer but I'm not sure which one...

I look forward to seeing everyone, and let me know how I can help, Mike.
Ok, roster started.

Tyger, streamer of unknown pattern.
GenCon Tarpon fly of my own design.

Ok, roster started.

Tyger, streamer of unknown pattern.
GenCon Tarpon fly of my own design.

I'm in. As I previously mentioned, I tied the Sparrow nymph a few years ago at a tying jam (2013 - I think). However, we will probably have quite a few new faces so I think I will give it another shot. My demo will focus on the use of all natural materials (pheasant, squirrel and rabbit) for the Sparrow. This is a fun fly to tie and just an all around fish catcher. I feel that it is a good demo fly to tie because it covers tying in a soft hackle collar as well as a discussion on dubbing techniques when using natural fur dubbing. This fly is all about the movement of these natural materials from the tip of the tail to the head of the fly. I'm really looking forward to the event and the chance to get together with you guys again. Thanks for heading it up.
GenCon wrote:
Ok, roster started.

Tyger, streamer of unknown pattern.
GenCon Tarpon fly of my own design.
DC410 Sparrow nymph. It will be great to see you John.

Unfortunately, looks like I wont make this one....but this is always a great event...
mooney4 wrote:
Skeet, you don't need to let us know if you will be coming but I don't mind if people do. Do you tie your own flies?
I do yes... since the 80's - quite poorly, in fact, still. I'd just come to watch and learn... thanks!
Mike B
I will try to make it. Tie some type of nymph.

I am not so intent on the RiverWalcks kinda have my own personal growing hate towards that place. Shady business practices and destroying the lower Po are just some of my gripes.
Destroying the lower Po? Do tell. I say the dam does that quite well on its own.
SBecker wrote:
I will try to make it. Tie some type of nymph.

I am not so intent on the RiverWalcks kinda have my own personal growing hate towards that place. Shady business practices and destroying the lower Po are just some of my gripes.

Shane, I am not married to RiverWalks. Do you have another suggestion? I am not familiar with the area.
