2011 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Mini Jam 12/17/11



Active member
Sep 11, 2006
To all PAFF members, family, and friends:

There will be a fly tying mini jam held on Saturday 12/17/11 from 1PM until 5PM.

This event will be held at the Lehigh Gap Nature Center - a beautiful new facility on the banks of the Lehigh River, near the intersection of Rt 873 and Rt 248. Information and directions to the Nature Center can be found here:


Tyers of all skill levels are encouraged to attend this event, and as usual, this event is free of charge. This will be a great opportunity to showcase your tying skills, help others learn your favorite patterns, and will allow everyone to improve their skills and learn new patterns and techniques.

We'll have tying space for at least 30 tyers, and room for spectators as well. Newcomers to the art of tying flies are encouraged to attend, and there will be an opportunity to practice on tying equipment that will be provided, as well as an instructor to teach basic techniques.

After the Jam, we'll be heading over to Riverwalck's Saloon for dinner and refreshments - we have an entire room reserved for us.

Check out the post in the Tying forum for further details on what to bring. Please sign up for this event in the post in the Tying forum, so we know who'll be attending and the flies being tied.

Looking forward to seeing old friends, and meeting new ones. This should be a really fun day!

I'll be there...
Hmmm wonder if I will be coming. Nice when a jam is 5 minutes from your door.
I will try to attend someone needs to teach Shane a few things I have seen his ties :p
Puhlease, I have not even tied for a year yet. Actually, it might be a year at the end of the month. I own you Fred :)
I don't know butt we might just have to settle this with a tie off :hammer:
Geez it was just like yesterday I was sitting in Trowpa's den with HA tying crystal buggers and eggs. LOL
How far is this place from the LL ?
About 30 minutes. It is a beautiful facility and we are lucky they are allowing us to use it. Then again they owe Ha and kinda me a favor :)
Hi Ed,

Sounds like a wonderful opportunity to get together and get some tying in. Thanks for setting this up.

What if I'm horrible at tying flies? Can I still come?


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NO But you can come to one of the Salt Jams
I'm new to the fly tying scene but addicted. What goes on at this show? Will there be anything for sale? Thank you
Hi jwatts, and welcome to the forum.

This is not a commercial type event, but just a bunch of PAFF members, family, and friends that are getting together to enjoy a day of tying flies. It's a great opportunity to meet some of your fellow board members in person, and share and learn some tying skills and techniques.

There is nothing planned as far as selling anything, other than holding a raffle to dispense any remaining donated materials. The proceeds from this raffle will be donated to the Lehigh Gap Nature Center as a "thank you" for letting us use their beautiful new facility.

Hope to see you there!

I would like to attend (weather permitting). I have been watching, but have not tied a single knot yet. How do I sign up to view? Also, my 12 y.o. son is dying to learn how to tie, so I have to bring him along as well. Are there any restrictions?
Welcome to the forum, hack!

Consider yourself signed up for this event, and of course your son is also welcome.

The only restriction is that you have to have a good time, which should be easy with this crew.

We'll try to give you a foundation to begin your tying experience, and you'll get the chance to use a wide variety of tying equipment. Hopefully, this will give you a good idea of what you'd like to purchase down the line, thereby saving you money.

There will also be information available on local tying classes in case you'd like to continue your tying adventure. These classes are either free of charge, or have a very nominal fee. I've sat in on both, and they're excellent opportunities to learn.

Looking forward to seeing you and your son there.


I will plan on attending this event. I have not decided if I will demonstrate any tying though. I will let you know.

Thanks, H.A.

Looking forward to it. I have been going to meetings for a couple of months now,but they don't seem to be working, cause the addiction is only getting worse!

I bought my son a basic kit off the interwebz, but we haven't sat down with it yet. We are both looking forward to getting a chance to really see some folks who know what they are doing and get started to putting some bugs together that might even catch fish!

Thanks again for the welcome and the confirmation. Look forward to meeting everyone.
