I wouldn't go that far but I do think if someone is going to post pictures of themselves with chainsaws chopping down streamside brush, vines and prickers they should probably 1. expect to be questioned (was stunned that anybody asked) 2. explain who has given them instructions to do so (did not do that in his original posts) 3. Be ready to name the location(did not do this either... what were we just supposed to know he was volunteering with an organization?) Turns out he was doing this on conservancy property and EVERYONE has the right to question his actions especially when they are a donor.
Can you imagine if I came to Clarks Creek and posted pictures of myself chopping trees down and when you asked my response was "that the trees were effecting my back cast." Well Fades response to me asking him why he was cutting down streamside brush was """""WHAT??? Oh excuse me you have waders that are impervious to intense thorns? Where do I buy them?""""
Guys a trollin' and a baitin' big time.