What is a "popular" pattern that you have never fished or haven't fished in a long time?

If we are talking about flies that I carry, it would have to be a Muddler Minnow.
Using this criteria, I carry about 5 woolly buggers and haven't tied one on in probably 5 years.
Royal Wullf is one of my favorite flies.

I don't believe I ever used an elk hair caddis, any of the parachute style flies or grasshopper pattern, and i haven't used a streamer or bugger in about 15 years.
I pretty much fish anything and everything.

Never fished or caught a fish on a muddler. Just never had one so I didn’t fish one.

Now I’m not so into squirmys. Nothing against the fly itself, just don’t like how sensitive the material it is and the lack of durability so I will use what I have and not replace it.

Good thread
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Elk hair Caddis, Hares ear, Stimi to name a few
Elk hair Caddis, Hares ear, Stimi to name a few
I'm actually really surprised by the amount of guys that are saying they never use elk hair caddis and hare's ears. I have used the hell out of both of them for many years with great success. I guess the biggest takeaway in this thread so far has been just how diverse we fly fishermen really are, even when it comes to such well known patterns. We all have our own preferences.
I'm actually really surprised by the amount of guys that are saying they never use elk hair caddis and hare's ears. I have used the hell out of both of them for many years with great success. I guess the biggest takeaway in this thread so far has been just how diverse we fly fishermen really are, even when it comes to such well known patterns. We all have our own preferences.
I expect that accumulated positive results with a particular set of flies leads to non-use of other flies more than anything else. At least it does for me. (Except for wet flies and streamers... I just don't have any personal preference to fish sub-surface.)
It took me years to catch a fish on a hare's ear, and it still isn't a confidence fly for me. Picket Pin and muddler minnows are also old favorites that don't seem to work for me. Iris caddis never produce for me, but my buddies slay fish with them.

I do have a Royal Wulff story though. The "hail Mary" fly for a good tyer (who couldn't catch a thing on a prince nymph) in my TU chapter was a size 14 Royal Wulff. Once on a trip to the West Branch at the Gamelands we were getting skunked as is common up there until this guy passed around the 14 Royal Wulffs and we started catching pretty regular. The other anglers started to notice and kept asking what we were using. When we replied a Royal Wulff we got the response of if you're not going to tell just say so - don't BS us. Never know what even the "technical" trout will take.
Really enjoying this thread.
I would say a muddler minnow. It seems like that was a really popular pattern for me and guys I fished with in the 70s and 80s. Used it successfully every time I fished Big Bushkill back in the day.
I can’t remember the last time I used it. Buggers seemed to have filled this spot for me now.
I could probably fill a book with all the popular flies I haven't fished for trout. I don't tie any dry flies that have wings on them. I've done well on green weenies and mop flies. I've tied Royal Wulffs but never fished them. Since I don't do a lot of trout fishing these my fly boxes are fairly simple. Caddis patterns, the CDC and Elk and a home grown midge pattern. I have very few Woolly Buggers in my boxes.
Muddler Minnow, mop fly, squirmy wormy, green weenie, among others.
Can't say much about the mop fly as I never fished one. But, if you guys fish any pocket water ir riffles, you may want to give the wulff a try. Very effective especially late spring into summer
Hornberg: I had an epic day on Falling Springs in Chambersburg about 40 years ago, I was catchin Brookie after Brookie in the riffles. Haven't fished it much since.
edit: I missed the part about "popular"
Muddler Minnow. I caught my first trout on it. I had the biggest trout of my life (or so it seemed...never saw it) break off on it. Ever since then it's a fly that brings back memories and high expectations. For some reason I only go to it on days I'm getting skunked, like it's going to pull off a miracle. The magic is gone for that one. I look at it in my fly box with pure disgust o_O:ROFLMAO:
Kray I am 100% not surprised that you never fished a wulff, given your h8 for the gemmie. I love wulffs of all types, and have caught a lot more than just gemmies on them. Heck, I even have a few in the size 8-10 range that I use for smallies! Good times.

Good times.

Per popular flies I've never fished-and won't-probably the mop fly comes to mind, and this thing called a "frenchie"? Which from what I can tell is basically a weighted PT nymph with hot pink thread? I view these flies like I view IPAs-hipster swill.