What happened to the Tully caddis?

Other than encroaching on the other guys space what do you think was bad ethics? Also the guy on the other side has a stringer of fish but is clearly targeting the fish in the pool which is technically still the special regulations water.
Okay, I’ll back off a bit if the guy with the stringer of fish is fishing illegally. I didn’t see the date that video was made, but if that guy was keeping fish in a section of the stream which should have been released according to the regulations, then he should have been reported. That should have been clarified at the beginning of the video.

If someone is fishing the Tully, or any small stream like the Tully, where you can easily fish the entire width of the stream, the proper thing to do IF you think you MUST fish directly across the stream from another angler, or even a relatively close section of the stream above or below another angler (that is rarely the case, but it might happen) is to ask the other angler before you even step into the stream if he minds if you fish across from him.

To step into the water and start fishing across the stream from another angler like that guy did in the video is inexcusable, and then to wade and continue fishing toward another angler is beyond reprehensible.
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By the look of those trees it was over a month ago that those caddis were popping. I had not yet fished the stream,but I wish I had.
The guy with the stringer is definitely pushing it with his location.
Okay, I’ll back off a bit if the guy with the stringer of fish is fishing illegally. I didn’t see the date that video was made, but if that guy was keeping fish in a section of the stream which should have been released according to the regulations, then he should have been reported. That should have been clarified at the beginning of the video.

If someone is fishing the Tully, or any small stream like the Tully, where you can easily fish the entire width of the stream, the proper thing to do IF you think you MUST fish directly across the stream from another angler, or even a relatively close section of the stream above or below another angler (that is rarely the case, but it might happen) is to ask the other angler before you even step into the stream if he minds if you fish across from him.

To step into the water and start fishing across the stream from another angler like that guy did in the video is inexcusable, and then to wade and continue fishing toward another angler is beyond reprehensible.
He did mention it in the beginning. It sounded like he was giving the guy the benefit of the doubt. The guy was pretty much standing directly on the cutoff line of the delayed harvest section.

I won’t say you’re wrong, he was certainly casting very close to that man. I’ll give him a pass only because of the particular pool. I’ve fished across from multiple people there on occasions and it wouldn’t bother me at all if I was fishing and someone showed up on the other side.
He did mention it in the beginning. It sounded like he was giving the guy the benefit of the doubt. The guy was pretty much standing directly on the cutoff line of the delayed harvest section.

I won’t say you’re wrong, he was certainly casting very close to that man. I’ll give him a pass only because of the particular pool. I’ve fished across from multiple people there on occasions and it wouldn’t bother me at all if I was fishing and someone showed up on the other side.
Don’t most of the fish die in the Tully by August anyway? Why is it even C&R only and not DHALO? Seems like a waste of mushmouth meat to me.

Then again, wasting money and the PFBC- name a more iconic duo, I’ll wait
I havent been there in 8 or 9 years i dont think. Used to go there often 15-20 years ago. I remember on my last trip being surprised at the amount of development since i used to fish there frequently. I can only imagine its even more built up now. I'll always remember it very fondly
Personally, I’m glad your memories are fond. An extended seasonally good fishery that was unique in SE Pa for reasons such as the multi-stage releases from the dam, the size of the water, the public ownership, and extended periods of high catch rates was the DHALO Program’s intent there from day 1. Despite the water temp stress (68 deg F) that typically starts in early June, the fishery continues until cold water is exhausted in the period July 22- Aug 3. It’s renewed by a fall stocking in one DH Section (and Section 08 below the DH Area) in October.

I never had any Tulpehocken-specific feedback regarding the application of the Keystone Select (KS) component there yrs later, but in general that program was well-received statewide based on on-the-water interviews of anglers in the year that the KS component was implemented. Also, the Tully was an ideal location for its application. The video demonstrates the fishery’s potential on days when the fish decide to cooperate and I would add from personal experience within and outside of the DH area that cooperation is good on average depending on selected terminal tackle and season of the year, although I have not fished the DH Area since it became a KS water. I’ve always tended to fish outside of the DH sections.
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He did mention it in the beginning. It sounded like he was giving the guy the benefit of the doubt. The guy was pretty much standing directly on the cutoff line of the delayed harvest section.

I won’t say you’re wrong, he was certainly casting very close to that man. I’ll give him a pass only because of the particular pool. I’ve fished across from multiple people there on occasions and it wouldn’t bother me at all if I was fishing and someone showed up on the other side.
Given the width, pool lengths, and pool/channel configurations of the Tully in Sections 06, 07, and 08, there are a number of locations in which anglers can comfortably fish across, up, or down from each other on the same general area unless one or the other gets his/her undies tied in a knot pretty easily.
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Let's hope the Caddis come back. Somewhere I have spreadsheets Doc. P had given on all bug life on that beloved waterway