>>>What are you tying today ? Part I

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@RC ... phiend sent me there once. Gonna stop by next time I'm on 195
Stagger_Lee wrote:
Jack ... gonna tie some of those tungsten torpedos once I get some tungsten beads. Read on line they r very deadly ... what size do u recommend?

I'm tying them on a size 12, it seems to me that if you go much smaller than that you'll be cramping the color of the body between the ribbing. I didn't have any of the black sulky sliver metallic so I used black utc holo tinsel (size small) for part of the rib. Looking good on the lotus Andrew, cramped the bead a bit but personally I like my hot spots smaller than most.
Stagger_Lee wrote:
Jack ... gonna tie some of those tungsten torpedos once I get some tungsten beads. Read on line they r very deadly ... what size do u recommend?

i also tie mine in different colors
Attack, was going to post these and saw that you do this as well.
Variations on a great theme:




We all know how different colors are more effective at different times, & this pattern is perfect to play with colors.
Yep as do I.
Doing some restock tying lately. This was the first nymph pattern I used tungsten thread on, actually I got the materials that became this pattern just before I discovered tungsten thread. They're weighted to a 5/32's tungsten bead, I've been fishing them now in many different colors since November and it's become my favorite/go too anchor fly since. #6

Size hooks? What is the scud back? Can you tie me a half dzn? Lol
Hook: Daiichi 1120 #6
Body: Sybai flash nymph dubbing
Thorax: Slf spikey squirrel dubbing dark brown
Rib: Ultra wire
Back: Siman magic shrimp foil
Weight: Tungsten thread that weighs almost as much as a 5/32 tungsten bead

The back material has a matte side and a shiny side, you want to tie it in so that the matte side is up when finished. The original thread for these flies is down on page 10 or 11. It shows how the tungsten thread ends up looking with that much weight, very slim profile.
You did not answer the most important question. Haha
Cant, bout out of the foil..
Some articulated trout streamers.


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Nice, they look like they would work well on smallmouths too.
On a tying tear this weekend.

Lotus on a jig. Works well.



This one seems to work well.


Can never have too many of these



Thanks to Jack for hooking me up with some fur! You will definately be recieving som eof these.
Those all look really nice Jeremy, real nice. I will gladly fish those puppies!!

I'm hoping to temp some spring creek trout with this 22 cream midge.

Those are some great looking flys guys. Jack be careful casting that little midge. You know it takes like 3-guys to get one out of a tree!

Lol, that was the best. We had to rescue your dads fly Mike, couldn't leave it there. The next one that snapped the tippet and kept it in his lip, what can you do?
Jack, I am sure that my Dad was pleased. You and the fly did exactly what you were supposed to do and that is make a fish eat it. made me happy too.

This is a nymph I've been tying for a very long time. While playing around with biots I came up with this tie, It's two biots wrapped forward together then split apart at the abdomen kinda looks like the wing pad is splitting open. The trout have nicely approved of it through the years, it's been a great fly to have. #14


^ very nice
I've been tying a lot in the past few days. It's kind of therapeutic for me.

First attempt at the tungsten torpedo - I'll have to make the collar a little buggier next time. It's peacock ice dub in 2, and a peacock black dubbing I bought from Fly Tyers Dungeon. The stuff from FTD is interesting - I'm purchasing more colors because it's super cheap. The texture is a little odd though - the fibers are kind of short, crinkly, and a little stiff. I'll keep using it to decide if I like it or not.


Then a few pheasant tail nymphs. I came into a ton of turkey tail feathers not too long ago, so I've actually been tying most of my pheasant tails with turkey tail instead. Moose body hair for the tails.


Here's a sort of experimental woven stonefly nymph pattern. It has an underbody of .030 lead that I flattened.


And of course, a few olive wooly "bombers" with rabbit strip tails. DC410 showed me this pattern and it's been killing smallmouth and rock bass on the Juniata! I've been meaning to tie it in other colors - black or brown, but the olive has been working so well that I just haven't gotten around to it. This one I added a little crystal flash and some rubber legs just for fun.


Various gurglers. I've never had much luck on topwater flies, but I tied a few up just to give it a shot. The black one and green one both have EP fibers for tails rather than the traditional bucktail.

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