Warm Water Mini- JAM 7 August 2010

wgmiller wrote:
I can say that the lack of fish wasn't due to a lack of line in the water. There was a lot of line cast by the fly guys and line spun by the spin guys, but it just wasn't our day.

Or maybe the smallmouth population is down.

Does anyone have a count or estimate of bass caught? And number of anglers?
On your question about white flies, there was significant amount of flies at the gas station I stopped in the not-too-distant vicinity. It would appear several of them came home with me in the car, as well.
I did not see one single Epheron Leukon (white fly) in the air, on the water or in the many spider webs. When I asked the campground owner she said that it was heavy two weeks ago but she thinks it might be over.

There was however a pretty good hatch all day and into evening of a small white mayfly in about a size #16. Small bass and other non targeted fish were taking them sporadically.

Also the blue damsels were in their full mating form. Swarming all around our canoe and liting on us for a quick "rack dance" before flying off and laying their eggs.
Sounds like you guys had a great time other then the slow fishing. I had the pleasure to do a weekend of fishing for smallies on the Delaware from Narrowsburg down to Montaug (3 day trip). The first day when we arrived I decided to try to catch my first smallmouth on the fly rod and was 7 fish successful in just an hour(Thanks to Heritage for providing me with some fly's), they are such great fighters and they hammered them, complete opposite of trout. Also, 1 very large Fall fish (pushing 20'') in very fast water. Saturday on the canoe I caught spin fishing close to 30 and today (Sunday) close to 20. Tons of Smalls on the Delaware, maybey we could do a WW Jam up their next summer?
Thanks to Dave for organizing a fun event. It was good connecting with some familiar faces and meeting some new "folks". ;-) I think there were a couple of guys that I didn't get the chance to say hello to.

A few observations on my part: I didn't see any true white flies, but a steady hatch of a cream/white mayfly was coming off all day. A few hex spinners hovering in the air just before dusk. Missed a decent smallie twitching a heavily hackled hex pattern.

It's my first time floating the "J" in a couple of years and I was encouraged by what I saw. Unlike the Susky, the "J" feels alive. I spotted fish everywhere: saw a LARGE carp take something off the surface. Managed to spook a least ten smallies in the 16"+ range. Saw a pod of medium-sized channel cats as well as two VERY LARGE lone catties. Also saw a couple of small schools of small LMB. There were also suckers everywhere, but I didn't spot a muskie.

As for the fishing, I guess I had a little better luck than others, but this is my type of fishing. I really like fishing out of my canoe in low/clear conditions. I ended up with several smallies, a handful of sunnies and a chub. Total was about a dozen fish which is a dozen more than I've managed on the lower Susky this year. ;-(

Based on the last few years of fishing the lower Susky and many of its tribs, it fished about how I expected.

You clearly were the "Alpha fisherman" of the group and led all totals. I don't think there was any question you had a gameplan and knew how to go after 'em. You clearly had a few years of WW fishing under your belt and it showed. While warmwater fish seem to be less fickle than trout, I guess they can still challenge even the best fishermen!
I got two pumpkinseeds and two chubs. But zero bass. *sad face*

Like I told Gfen I would have killed for a carp.

Id like to add that I hate casting a nine weight in freshwater its totally unnecessary. I NEED to get a 7 weight next time I decide to do some Ww fishing.

I had an extra 6wt in the car you could've used, but don't think we ever met. Were you wading or floating?

A 7 wt would be a good choice.

As to WG's assertion that I was the "Alpha" guy, that's a dubious distinction; even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then! All but 2 of my fish were under 10". When the usual bugger drifts didn't produce, I just kept smacking poppers down anywhere the damselflies were active. The small fish fell for it, but it spooked the bigger ones.
I agree with what others said for the most part.

I think I may have said "I caught a fall fish, but it was a big one", but I may have said "huge" as well.

Good time had by all.

I hit spring creek with andrew yesterday. I hooked a large brown trout on the WMD in a shallow riffle. He ran to the far bank and wrapped me around some rocks. When I waded over to untangle it, he ran hard and broke me off. That's the first trout I've broken off all season, if my memory serves me right. I sure picked a heck of a fish to do it with.

Fish are stacked on spring seeps above bellefonte, even though the temps were on the high end of fishable. I'd say to keep fishing below town, where the flows were much nicer and temps were significantly cooler.
Thanks for organizing the trip and it was nice to meet the guys. I actually fly fished for 15 minutes w/ a bugger before I lost interest and went back to the spinning rod. I hooked several decent bass on a floating plug but lost them. Managed to land 6-8 of the smaller ones I hooked. Like Tim, I saw at least 1/2 dozen big smallies 18-20+". One stared at the rapala for what seemed like an eternity. Couldn't get him to take it though. Highlight of the day was a tie..... severe sunburn on the shins (of all places) and a 12" sucker taken on a top water plug (WTF!).

I'd never fished that far up on the J before. It was neat to see the stream and the section w/ exposed bedrock / ridges reminds me of the Susky near Purdix. Very cool and slippy . Thanks again.
I enjoyed the float trip as well. My son, daughter and I went up Friday evening and stayed at the campground, (at the take out) until Sunday.

David weaver did an excellent job with the organization presentation of the river to the attendees. It is always fun and interesting to meet the board members I have had yet to meet. And to see old friends.

I have a few pics to share. None with any fish though.

Oh, and my count for the day was 1-7" bass at hour five into the trip and a sunny at the take out ramp both on white fly drys. It was twice as big as that fly coming off....but it worked on the juvenile ww fish.

I also boated a full Yeungling Lager. This I did harvest and put on ice for later. To whoever practiced catch and release with it, I appreciate the gesture.

My son saw what he believes to be a musky and we also saw a bald eagle near the Millerstown Bridge. The 35 or so white fish cranes (herons?) was a site too. It was like an Nat Geo show there were so many in one place. Taking off, roosting in trees, neat stuff. My daughter floated in her live jacket for about two miles of the trip on and off. My son floated with her at the end leaving me stranded in a 17' canoe popping a wheelie in a stiff wind. I was doing circles, struggling to keep it straight. So I just paddles backwards and Jay watched for rocks for me until I caught up the the giggling swimmers. I needed some A$$ in the front of the boat so I cut their swim short.

The campground (Pittmans) was an awesome place to camp if you ever want to fish or float that section. Thanks to TB for mentioning it. Very nice and laid back campground owners.


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Nice pics Mo, especially the shot of Alpha Tim. A good time had by all.


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Ah ha! You stealed my beer! I opened the cooler, took out 1 of the 2 beers I brought and promptly dropped it. I watched it go right to the bottom in 6-7' of water. I didn't know it floated back up! That's funny.

troutbert wrote:
Or maybe the smallmouth population is down.

Does anyone have a count or estimate of bass caught? And number of anglers?

There's no doubt in my opinion that the SMB population in the lower Juniata is less than a decade ago, particularly small fish. There have been fish with columnaris here and some die offs as well as LMB virus. To the best of my knowledge, the last PFBC survey of the bass pop here was 1996. I'd like to know how it compares today but I'm sure it's fewer fish. Nevertheless, it's much better than the lower Susky and still loaded with trophy class bass. Usually they're pretty easy to see on clear days as several guys have attested - even if catching them isn't easy. I think the best fish caught of the day was only 14 inches. Part of the good news is that YOY fish are very noticeable this year and I think a very good spawn was had.

Here's some more pics.

First is Goodfortune, Sightnymph, and Jdaddy fishin while Benny, the Incredible Fly Fishing Weiner Dog looks on.

Second is Skybay fishin hard. :)


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severe sunburn on the shins (of all places)

That is the only place I did not cover in SPF 70 and my wife found it quite funny where my boot/sock tan line is on my lower shin. Definitely the darkest my shins have ever been.

Sounds like a successful event. Thanks for sharing your reports and debriefings as well as the photos....

I was zooming in to try to discover skybay's fishing method, and look what I discovered on his canoe:


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He's a Burgh guy through and through!
I am satisfied with my accomplishment.