upper allegheny


Active member
Sep 13, 2006
Northern pike

Northern pike were introduced in the 1970s in the Allegheny Reservoir. They are now abundant throughout the Reservoir and the Allegheny River, as well as many mid-size tributaries such as Olean Creek, Conewango Creek, Tununguant Creek and the Oswayo Creek. In fact, fisheries surveys in the 1970s showed that only muskellunge were captured. Today, northern pike outnumber muskies 9:1. Northern pike simply out-compete the musky in every way - reproduction, survival, feeding. Although pike can be taken on surface plugs and large spinners, live shiners or suckers remain most popular.


Although native to the Allegheny River, muskellunge have historically been stocked in the river to bolster the population. DEC continues to stock the Allegheny River annually with fingerling muskellunge. Monsters up to 50 inches are occasionally caught by those anglers with persistence and a little know-how. Large, live chubs, shiners and suckers are a popular bait, while some prefer top water plugs or large spinner baits.

this is from the NY dec site
Pike may have been stocked in the Allegheny Reservoir, but aren't they native to the Allegheny River watershed.....PFBC says they are. And pike are always more abundant in shared watersheds with muskies because they hatch first and often prey on young muskies.