The only time I fish dries downstream is if I can't get to the fish any other way.

I'll amend that and say only if I think its advantageous. Chaz, you're a brookie guy like me. Especially in flatter, rhododendron choked streams, you can get to them from below, but you gotta get pretty close to them to do so and put yourself in danger of spooking them. Sometimes, from above, you can just feed line WAY out. It works.
On larger waters, find it easier to fish downstream. Drifting with the current and the cast is down before it reaches it's target and your not fishing right over the fish. Understand the blind spot deal though.

Also, I find it easier to walk or move downstream with the current as opposed to against it, especially if the banks are tough to navigate out of the water. Not an always or never.