Tippet rings

I just got some tippet rings in the mail. Ten pack costs 5.95. For me, there are too small to use. I mean I can't get a leader thru it.

This image is enlarged by about 15%.


I just lost 3 in the carpet trying to tie a leader.
Hi RC - Most tippet rings I've found come on either a snap swivel, or a small safety pin. If not, you can put them on one.

It's a lot easier to tie your leader material on to the ring closest to the tip of the pin or swivel while the ring is still on it. There's plenty of room to fit the leader material through, and you don't have to worry about dropping the tiny little things.

Doing it this way allows you to have something to pull on as you tighten the knot, and you don't have to open the snap swivel/safety pin until the knot is completed.

Beats crawling around on the carpet with a flashlight. :lol:
RC-X2 what HA said. Learned the hard way that its much easier to leave them on the swivel to tie the first knot.
Phish_On wrote:
Learned the hard way that its much easier to leave them on the swivel to tie the first knot.

+1 and when you change something, always leave one end tied on.

Dude, those rings aren't too small........ you got both lines in OK? And small is good. The small rings won't break the surface tension with a dry fly.

I love them! You will also, when you use them a couple times?
Thanks guys. I never thought of leaving the ring on the snap swivel while tying on leader. I'll give a try later today.
RC, looks to me like you're making too drastic of a change of tippet size on your tippet ring. Your leader should look exactly the same whether there's a ring or not. That would be a tough blood knot there.
Thanks ryguyfi. I've yet to try to tie a leader and tippet to the ring while it's still on snap swivel. I have clumsy hands and tying knots has always been a problem for me. Last year I tied tippets to my leaders before going out so once my tippet was too short I just changed leaders.

I could also use more practice but those tippet rings are small.

I also picked up some very small swivels. They seem to be a bit easier to handle.
I like the trilene knot when tying to the tippet ring. Works great.