

Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Anyone use them? I need to get a new set and saw these online. Anyone have the good the bad or the ugly on these items.
The only thing i'll say is that I have had little luck with any hackle pliers that don't have the little rubber grips in the jaws...
i use them along with standard..I like them they keep the hackle from twisting wrong..
I love the rotary hackle pliers I didn't think that hackle pliers would be as good as my finger until i tried these I highly reccomend getting them.
I have them and like them but didn't throw away the regular ones.
By rotary hackle pliers, so you mean the ones with a long stick with the plier on the end?

If so, I though they were for parachute style hackles.?.?
Rotating hackle pliers in action:

Rotating Hackle Pliers

I turn the fly 90* and use conventional hackle pliers to tie in hackle for a parachute. Seeing this video makes me rethink that. The rotating hackle pliers look like the way to go - fast and easy. HTH
They are the way to go ............... Damn I wish I lost the old ones sooner
I love my rotary hackle pliers, they make parachutes very easy ;)
this is the one I use I like the weight of it...
I haven't used standard pliers in over a decade. I either use my fingers or rotary.