PAFF Warmwater Jam/Float - Saturday 8/4/12






Thanks Afish for organizing the float. I really enjoyed meeting all you guys yesterday. You guys are a great group. Yeah, the river dealt us a bad hand yesterday and kicked our butts, but that's fishin'. Paddling against that head wind and into the impending storm in the last mile of the float was a serious cardio work out! All in all I had a great time and will definitely look forward to future WW float jams. Thanks again to all for a memorable day.
Sorry I bailed in a last minute game-time decision. Sounds like my kind of paddling ;-)
My instincts told me the fishing would be slow at best.Instead I hit my favorite smallie streams and came awful close to taking the skunk: one small bass at the takeout after a nice float over what should've produced much better. Poor smallie fishing in PA seems to be an epidemic these days....
Maurice wrote:
I even used spin gear to search for fish. No luck.

the Indian name for the NB of the Susquehanna is "Wind blows up river with no fish."

DC410 led the tourney with a 4" rock bass until we learned that Dave S edged him out with a Chub modestly larger.

pounding a five mile stretch of river.

Wow! Even the north branch now? The Susquehanna has me a bit concerned?

It's getting to the point that to catch something, you have to go after carp or use a UL rod with size 16's and try for the small chubs, gills, and rockbass!
A few quick observations about the river:

The North Branch is a healthy river based on the tremendous population of macro invertebrates, including many pollution intolerants, I observed. Crayfish were numerous but what really surprised me was the extremely heavy number of mayflies and caddisflies! Turning over rocks, I almost felt I was looking at rocks in Penns Creek: swarms of crawling mayflies in all sizes as well as ISOs and various little swimmers. Caddis were also very thick with many of the larvae quite large. Even saw a golden stone along with the typical large hellgrammites. Very good water quality.

There were white flies coming off at dusk on Saturday down at the take out point but they were sparse and no fish were rising. Later that night, around 10pm, DaveS and I checked for them up at the campground and saw none.
Water temp was in the mid 80s.
In spite of the poor fishing, I had a good time. Made a few new friends, and saw a little bit of new water. As always, a campfire shared with good fishermen, is a nice evening anywhere. And Murice and his daughter, Sam, make a very nice "Apple Pie" a la mountian pie iron!

It was my first WW JAM but it won't be my last. I'll try to add a few pics later.
Fishidiot wrote:
The North Branch is a healthy river based on the tremendous population of macro invertebrates,
There were white flies coming off at dusk on Saturday down at the take out point but they were sparse and no fish were rising.
Water temp was in the mid 80s.


That's the problem! The water is too hot and way too shallow.

Twenty years ago, during the white fly hatch, even locally there would be hundreds of big bass eating the flies at dusk. Bob Clouser would catch dozens of five pounders on dries all over the river.

The Susquehanna is quickly becoming only a memory of the "world class" fishing it used to be.

I wasn't there at this Jam, but it still breaks my heart!
I just got real-time Intel from the water gap. Fishing is good. I'm going tomorrow if anyone around Philly has the time. I'll check this thread again tonite around 10 to see if there are any willing to split gas for smallies.
SurfCowboyXX wrote:
I just got real-time Intel from the water gap. Fishing is good. I'm going tomorrow

Good luck - let us know how yuh made out.
We're counting on you to break the 2012 PAFF smallie slump (no pressure of course). :)
One day delay. Couldn't make it today. Will try again tomorrow.
I just wanted to share this photo. For as wary as herons are this one seemed to care less as Surfcowboy and I approached it. I think he is the "Heron Whisperer"! LOL!


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I enjoyed the day, with all great people that showed up. I never knew how hard it would be to paddle downstream! Ryan R and I had to park our boats and hide in some brush while a storm blew by, one strike of lightning and off the water we went. Yet a whole bunch of others seemed to not be bothered by it!!!!

A good nite at the campfire with Maurice, Sam, Dave and Dave.

I'm willing and able to hit the Delaware when ready.

Thanks for organizing this.....


Ps: my camera got soaked, it's a goner..
A few pictures from the WW jam.


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Good stuff.
Here's some more.


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I just wanted to say it was a pleasure meeting everyone and I had a real good time and would love to do it again (albeit in more promising fishing conditions.) My main goal was to learn a place to float on this river and I did so mission accomplished for me, landing a few fish would've just been a bonus. I was amazed at the huge difference in characteristics between the Delaware and Susquehanna, particularly regarding water clarity and color. The Susky had a green tint with very little visibility whereas when I'm chasing smallies on the Delaware I'm used to pretty clear water.

For only a 5 mile float, that was one helluva day of hard rowing. I sure had a great night sleep when I got home, I was out as soon as my sore, tired body hit the pillow.

Maurice had the quote of the day: "North Branch Susquehanna River- Indian term for wind blows upriver with no fish."

PS- I know the Middle to (lower)Upper Delaware rather well (mainly from around Easton all the way upstream to Milford, Pa) and know several productive floats for smallmouth. I also now currently live about 5 minutes of the Lehigh near Lehighton. I could easily help organize a good late summer/fall float on either one of these rivers. Heck, we could even float the Lehigh and grill back at my place afterwards- it's rural and I have several acres, yet I'm within 5 minutes of the Northeast Extension of the turnpike.
If you want to float the Lehigh, ever for smallies, just let me know.
Sorry had to post this photo bigger to check out my sexy loop :p


That picture looks like it should be right out of the "How to Fly Cast" book. Nice!
SBecker wrote:
If you want to float the Lehigh, ever for smallies, just let me know.

I haven't forgotten that I owe you a float on my boat. Good news is I'm getting a new hitch on my truck soon, so I'll be ready to go.