mayfly rib



Feb 23, 2010
Do you rib march browns and brown drakes, or just march browns. What color?
I just rib my march browns with a dark brown color. If I'm not mistaken, the picture for the header of every page is a MB. You can see the lighter body color, but the dark ribbing of the body. The brown drakes, especially the spinner are a solid brown. Below is a pic of the Brown Drake I took last year on my phone.


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I usually don't bother, however I think lighter dubbing (than what most people use for march browns) is a more importnat adjustment.

I have a package of march brown dubbing that is dark brown (the color of the back), but the belly of the fly is very light.

If you are talking nymphs, I use wire or thread rib.

That's the color dubbing I use. It darkens and the color becomes more uniform when wet.

I don't rib the duns. I don't think you can really see the segmentation as much on the bottom of the bug.

DRC dubbing kicks some major butt! I use the same stuff all the time I was just tying some March browns today. It gets a bit darker once wet.
BTW thats a nice tie JayL
I rib them with yellow floss because their underside is, um, yellow.
Unfortunately mine aren't quite that nice. It's from the DRC club site.

Do you have any experience using the dubbing for nymphs? I use it for dries, but am always skeptical of that light color for nymphs. It does get a nice tone to it when wet, but still looks kind of light. I usually put a PT or turkey shell back on most of my nymphs that I tie with it, as I think the dubbing is a better match of the underside. What do you think?
I've never tied a nymph with it. I think that they have some colors that are made for tying nymphs Im going up thursday so I'll check it out and let you know!
They do. I got the sampler of all colors, and there are some browns. It comes with a set of cards to tell you which color for which bug/stage. The dark colors are still a bit light for me, but I haven't gotten one properly waterlogged yet. I think the shell back definitely adds a hint of realism.