Lancaster Fly Fishing Show: 3-4 Mar 2018

Looking forward to the show again. Won't be making the breakfast though.
Canoetripper...have you talked to the diner mgmt about saturday morning?
guys, do we have a consensus on meeting time?

I'll suggest 7:30-8
I have not talked to the diner management but I will do that at the time suggested. I am not a regular breakfast customer and do know from experience that a lot of Amish farmers frequent the Neptune for breakfast prior to working the City Market.

I am sure we can make this work. I don't know anyone on the message board other than Squaretail and I haven't seen him in years. I'll post again if, and if I don't, I have success with the diner management.
The picture posted earlier was from a previous year at the Neptune in the back room. Don't think we'll have too much trouble getting seated.Hope to see a bunch of y'all there.
Just a few days away. Looking forward to it as always.
The Neptune Diner doesn't do reservations for Saturday breakfast but did say that they would do their best to accommodate us and that 7:30-8:00 would be a good time in the back room.
I won't be able to make the breakfast or the show this year due to other committments. FYI, that photo that was shared earlier in the thread from the other year was in the back room at the Park City Diner not the Neptune. I don't really recall there being any back room at the Neptune but it makes it real cozy. Hope you all have a great time at breakfast and the show.
My boat got delivered early but I might still make a run down to the show on Saturday with the nephew. Hope to meet a some of you for the first time.

Look for me. I'll be in the fetal position by the casting pond. LMAO
Thanks for the clarification John...just another reminder of my failing memory. Sorry u can't make it!
I'll do what I can for the breakfast which is to be at the Neptune Diner at 7:30 on Saturday morning and request some combined tables in the back room anticipating people attending the fly fishing convention from around the state and traveling.

I think that the Neptune will do their best to accomodate us. Since I am a realively new member on the board and don't know anyone, I am almost 60, gray hair, 6' tall, 175 lbs. and will be wearing a Carolina blue sweatshirt and visor, which will be easily recognizable in a sea of Penn State and Villanova blue.

I am looking forward to meeting everyone and making new friends.

OK CT, If I get my arse up at 6 I may make it to buy your skinny arse breakfast. 6' 175, you need some carbs man!
I get a lot of exercise at work which is one of the reasons I have been able to keep my weight at the level that it is.
any cigar smokers interested in sitting down for a stick at the cigar bar sunday?
I am interested but don't know anything about cigars or where the cigar bar is located. I'm sure that I can smoke a very mild type of cigar and force down some whiskey on the rocks.
Yo Cano, Ree - yeah - where's the 'gar bar? I can bring my pipes and puff with you.

right downtown, believe it's actually called lancaster cigar bar... been there once before, looked like good food, though i didn't eat myself. decent selection of stoags, bit overpriced but comes with the territory i guess. i'll probably find myself there around 4 or 5 so if anyone is so inclined would be great to meet... i'm around 6' with a beard and usually a patagonia hat so say hi if you see such a character.
I think that there are two cigar bars in this area. I don't know which one Reefishd is referring to. I rarely smoke tobacco, but will smoke a cigar and have some drinks with fellow board members on

I had a great time meeting everyone at the breakfast at the Neptune Diner. There were only six of us, but we made it happen. I only stayed at the fly fishing show for two hours since I had a lot of college basketball to watch.

Unfortunately, the UNC Tarheels lost to their arch rival Duke in Durham, but Duke is always tough to beat in Cameron Indoor Stadium.
It is a little after 3:00 pm and I am on my way to Lancaster City to smoke a cigar and drink an adult beverage or two. I am the 60ish year young man sporting Carolina blue in Penn State country.
I went to a cigar bar on West King Street in downtown Lancaster. I didn't know or meet anyone at the bar from the message board.

I did meet a young african-american couple from Wilson, NC. We had a lot in common given my 18 years living in Greensboro.

I forget the name of the bar, but know that it was on King Street. I had three Yuengling Lagers, no cigars, and tacos.

$56.00 was what I spent. That is kind of a lot of $ for not much. I probably won't go back there again.

They did knock it down conciderablly when I started to complain.