Hello from Lanco.


New member
Apr 13, 2020
Hello. Today I realized I have been a member for 3 years so I would like to introduce myself. I joined the FF cult in 2019, with near-zero fishing experience. I have been fortunate to connect with a mentor/enabler and that has really flattened the learning curve. I cut my teeth on a certain Dauphin Co. stream and do pretty well there despite the obstacles. Was all alone on that stretch yesterday as a matter of fact. In the past 3-4 years I have camped & fished some of the well-known central & northern streams. I like Kettle Creek, Slate & Cedar kicked my butt. Haven't hit any big water yet. Hope to change that this year. Rock on.
Nothing wrong with liking the smaller stuff, in fact I much prefer smaller creeks to larger ones. Fish however you want to.
Hard to believe you were in Slate and Cedar Runs without at least trying the big creek. Yeah, our group considers Pine Creek as big water - which is usually best during a Slate Drake hatch or BWO spinner fall. It's also fun with Cahills.
I like little streams for solitude. We camped up Slate Run. I stood on Pine Creek. Big water is a bit intimidating I guess. More than a few people were there. Wasn't sure where or how to start. I haven't hit a "real" hatch yet either. Another thing I hope to change this year.
Hard to believe you were in Slate and Cedar Runs without at least trying the big creek. Yeah, our group considers Pine Creek as big water - which is usually best during a Slate Drake hatch or BWO spinner fall. It's also fun with Cahills.
Last year in the first week of May on a rainy day me and one of the guys hit a major march brown hatch. I would guess that between the two of us, we had to have caught close to 80 fish. Some on nymphs some on march brown duns and some on caddis emergers.
Welcome aboard. GG