Fly tying area

Thanks, to both you guys! Next I need to build one of those little fly drying wheels. Its such a pain in the butt putting epoxy eyes on flies one at a time in the vise when you have a dozen streamers or so waiting.
looks more like a fly shop to me =)
I have a system of file folders and rubber maid containers that are put away after each session because the cat is always stealing the supplies.
I have been looking at roll top secritary desks lately
SonofZ3 wrote:
My fly tying area is a darkroom converted into a fly tying room. I have the tying bench situated in a corner of the room that has three walls fairly close to it. Covering these walls are tying materials hung by binder clip on screws. Things like zonker strips or chenille are put in ziplock bags and hung together, but each dubbing color has its own screw, so you can sit at the bench and actually see all the dubbing options you have, as well as 80% of your other materials. This is nice because I don't have to go sorting through drawers, and if I gets tumped on a pattern I'm creating I can actually see everything I have to work with. I have a dowel rod with a little hook on it that I use to reach any of the materials from where I sit, even if they are hung fairly high up.
Behind the tying bench, on the other side of the small room, is a table set up to put all the materials on for a certain type of fly, or to look things up in fly tying books. The benchside reference stays on that table. I do have a drawer for hooks and spare thread and some less used tying books. Overall, it works really well. Heres some pics.



