

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
I blend my own dubbing. What are your materials for dry vs nymphs. I can only think that I use kapok exclusively on dry flies.
super fine dubbing for dries
I use synthetic dubbing for almost 100% of my flies with the exception of Hare's Ears.

I never experienced a catch difference between natural fur and synthetic dubbing on my nymph patterns, even on Hare's Ears but I have a $#!+load of hare's masks and I prefer the way it looks versus synthetic dubbing.
I use superfine dubbing for most of my dry flies. I find CDC dubbing and natural furs make very good dubbing as well. Sometimes, I like the flashy blends often used for nymphs for dry fly application.
I have never tried kapok but plan to do so soon. BTW, kapok is a natural material from the kapok tree.
With my keep it simple approach, I pay no mind to what the dubbing actually is. Color and texture is my guide. Maybe I’m lucky with my selection but my drys float and my nymphs sink just fine.
kapok dubbing

I use super fine for dries, and I use a lot of Awesome 'Possum for nymphs. I will also cut the hair of a hare's mask. I don't really use any other types of dubbing, although I have tied flies out of my cat's fur. That worked well, too.
No.idea what Kapok is. I use whatever color I need.
Send me a pm and I’ll be glad to send you some to try. I’ll even cover the mail. It’s really wonderful dry fly stuff.
Kapok is materiel used in flotation vests
Beige in color, that's good for Cahill bodies.
Think its synthetic
It can be used for any dry fly dubbing if you color it with markers.
I've only seen kapok in beige
Have you bought it in other colors, or do you dye it yourself?
I color it with alcohol markers. It tends to color darker than the markers.