Did I catch you before???


Active member
Apr 29, 2024
This would be fun if everyone did it , it’s an app that identifies fish spots just like our finger prints


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Maybe... but then I'd need to dig the phone out of my pocket - which I don't even do when I catch a fish. I'll see if the boys want to try it since they're more tech-connected than I am.
Would be a brilliant honeypot if its true purpose was just to send the exact location metadata from where a memorable fish was caught to the app developers. Yes …this is how my mind works and I’m unapologetic about it 🤣
It's how the world works now so you are doing just fine. I assume everything is out to get me and then try my best to filter what I am willing to live with. It's exhausting and why I'm not on social media.
There is also an app out where you hold this little ball in your finger below the fish and take the picture it then compares the ball to the fish and is supposed to give you a pretty good length girth and weight
Love how anything 2023 and later, it's suddenly "AI".

This type of software has been around well before "Troutspotter".

A link to the scanned article from the OP:

Another article about the same technology:

I've used the technique to confirm back to back to back catches of fish, as well as fish caught by other anglers. For me, I usually need some sort of additional connection to be able to tie the same fish together; for instance, if someone mentions a stream or location and catches a unique fish (tiger), and I've fished the same stream and also caught a tiger, that will trigger a pattern match attempt (and I've matched wild tigers twice with other board members). Or if I catch a similar fish out of the same hole three years in a row. But I'd be curious to feed my entire fish photo album to a neural network and let it sort out all the fish I've caught multiple times - there are probably more than I realize.
It’s nothing I’ll ever use but it is interesting I have a big fish I believe I caught 3 times a few months apart don’t need no app to tell me so
Ive been doing this way long ago....i take close ups of heads. Adipose etc. Anything that stands out..and yes i have caught alot of repeat catches of larger wild browns...some 3 or 4 times over the years...its always good to see an old friend again and see how they grew. Or didnt.. my wife thinks im nuts when i have her look at the pics of the same fish and see if she can id it positive as a repeat catch...she also thinks i missed my calling years ago as a forsencic patholigist lol