Delaware River Stripers

We'll, I'll be a striped @ss... err, bass. Thanks, guys.
The stripers in the delaware are pure strain, no hybrids...they have been there before the pilgrims...
Were is the pic of the fly ?
Fredrick Von Lichtenstein here ya go;


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Kinda looks like the Old Lazy Ike , Iver , Ivan.....flatfish lures , does it move the same as they did with the plastic lip? What do you use to make the plastic lip out of?
I have been fishing the Delaware for over 35 years. I have found stripers in all the large pools from the Red Barn up to the Junction and even an occasional one in the West Branch. They are the scourge of the river since they prey on trout like lions on zebras.
They are mostly caught at night on very large flies of any description. If you catch one by all means kill it. They are quite good to eat.
OldDoc wrote:
I have been fishing the Delaware for over 35 years. I have found stripers in all the large pools from the Red Barn up to the Junction and even an occasional one in the West Branch. They are the scourge of the river since they prey on trout like lions on zebras.
They are mostly caught at night on very large flies of any description. If you catch one by all means kill it. They are quite good to eat.

Remember those Bass are native to the river and belong there unlike the trout they feast on :p
What you say is true and often cited when this subject arises. I only meant to say that the overwhelming majority of Delaware fishermen are after trout not stripers and the stripers are harmful to the fishery.
OldDoc wrote:
What you say is true and often cited when this subject arises. I only meant to say that the overwhelming majority of Delaware fishermen are after trout not stripers and the stripers are harmful to the fishery.

With all due respect to the Delaware trout fishermen (I am one of them), the stripers belong there. If it's a matter of one or the other, to hell with the trout.
OldDoc wrote:
...harmful to the fishery.

Wait, which fishery, the natives or the invasives?
gfen wrote:
OldDoc wrote:
...harmful to the fishery.

Wait, which fishery, the natives or the invasives?

Clearly the cold water releases from Cannonsville and Pepacton Reservoirs are harmful to the striper fishery. The trout are merely bait fish for them.
jdaddy wrote:
Clearly the cold water releases from Cannonsville and Pepacton Reservoirs are harmful to the striper fishery. The trout are merely bait fish for them.

I thought they put 'em there to help make up for the shad that don't run as thick?
They are the scourge of the river since they prey on trout like lions on zebras.

WRONG ! They are only taken a few trout, they don't hunt them down. wake up..

Osprey, swims like a rapala with a nice wiggle. lip is called flylipps.I use milk jug plastic too.
also at that size they are residents that haven't been out to sea yet.
Here is my 2 cents.
First off the D is in my back yard well almost. For FF from Trenton/Morrisville north offers way more wading options than people think, you just need to walk a little from where you park. South of this is more a boat deal but any 16' will work. When to start fishing really depends on water temp. You start hearing of bait guys catching in march but last year between the 3 of us in my little group had our first fish on April 13 on lures. Look for water temps in the mid 40s but once it hits 50 its game on. Now its time to pick a spot,sorry no details on my hot spots but just look for current and structure. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF WHITE WATER!!!!! It has tons of oxygen. When tying any weighted flies have some variety in weight for diff depths. A cast cross-current and dead drifting can be deadly you dont always need to strip. I'll post some pics later and any thing else I can think of but the basics where already hit. Have fun and tight lines.
Here are a few from the last few years years.


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Here is one my wife got on bait but they will eat flies. =) It weighed about 20-25lbs


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Love2fish wrote:
Here is one my wife got on bait

A succulent babby trout, I bet!
gfen wrote:

A succulent babby trout, I bet!

Nope when I do keep one or two they taste way to good to use as bait. Was caught on a fresh herring head I jigged up that afternoon. That and last time I checked no trout in Trenton