Big native brookies?

you really have got to learn not to contradiic yourself..your first few lines say you dont put these streams on here but have and it has hurt some streams.

qoute (they would lose the great populations that they have and they'd probably never recover). know which one i'm talking about.

.quote (The landowners don't want a bunch of fishermen running around on the streams)
yet you have tried to send people there on lots of occasions..

And what does brown trout have to do with this subject ?????
I hope that the chubs are more food than competition, that would be a leg (fin) up for the Brookies.

I haven't posted anything about any stream that isn't already known to others, including your precious little stream, give me a break.
First you say you'll shot people for fishing your stream, then you call me a liar, about the size of the brookies I catch, now you call me a hypocrite. You are not a very nice individual. As for your precious little stream I’ll bet it’s been mentioned here at least 50 times since I’ve been posting here, and not by me.
I’ve run into guides before that though they had exclusivity, believe me they don’t. I just hope your precious little stream never needs help, I believe it already does, because no one is interested in help “PRIVATE STREAMS.”
Now go pound sand!
I never called you a liar, I said lets see the proof, so did my did we get up on the wrong side of the bed or does the truth hurt..And when did I ever said I would shoot you. besides i dont live near there.and i dont have a gun. dont need one..I am a very nice person, oh by the way we have met in the past..
And what the H$(( does this mean (I’ve run into guides before that though they had exclusivity, believe me they don’t)..

Im only pointing out what you say on one post then change on the next...doesnt sound like good advice to least your boss at T.U. is nicer than you...Yes I had a nice evening with him this week...

pound sand ha... :-D
not very nice for someone in your position ...
Chaz: If you are still a oficer of PA TU, Your conduct on this board and your attitude about sending people to tresspass on private property does not set a good example.
Chaz, Sandfly and LouM,
You are all on about 10x tippet right now...take your personal attacks off the board. Use the PM feature or refrain.

No need to explain, just conform.

Maurice, I think you are being overly dramatic. That exchange might strain 7X at worst. Nonetheless, no use waiting until the tippet snaps to loosen the drag. :cool:
Wow! I certainly did not mean to cause the maelstorm that has ensued. I knew what I posted would definately spawn some negative replies, that happens, but in no way did I want to cause any problems.

I simply wanted to state my version of "reality". I truly hope that Chaz has discussed "specifics" at TU meetings, or conversations with other anglers. I never asked you to post them here, online...if you check my originial post I believe I stated that. I DEFINATLEY understand the ramafications of that action. I guess that the few times we have been in the same location, in private meetings..this topic has never come up...and to be quite honest I didnt feel comfortable asking you directly. Maybe the next time I will be right up front with you and see if you will indeed, as you say, share information with other anglers.

To Lou M, my conduct on this board has nothing to do with anything PA trout does and nearly all the time none of my comments have anything to do with PA Trout, I'm not currently an officer.
Sandfly and Lou M,
If I choose to mention Cooks Creek in a post I sure as heck will, this message board has monitors and they will if they choose delete any post I make. and no I didn't get out of the wrong side of the bed. You guys crack me up with your holier then thou attitudes.
You may be a nice guy, but go back and read what you said in your posts about me then decide if you were nice to me.
I've tried to keep things civil, but you went over the line more then once in your messages to me. And all I did was mention Cooks Creek in a post about streams to fish in SE PA. And there is water that is open on Cooks Creek the water that's not is clearly posted.
I hope the next time the 2 of you have something to say to me you can be more civil.
I'm using 3X tippet Maurice.
Seafood it was nothing you said, these 2 other guys have an axe to grind.
My apoligies to this board if I sounded abusive, I didn't mean it to be. I have no axe to grind just pointing out things.