Back from the 'Dacks


Nov 15, 2009
Kinda lost track of this site when we moved to the Adirondacks, but with spring just around the corner and as I emerge from glaucoma surgery (actually surgeries) I'm looking forward to's great to be back home in Pennsylvania.....if anyone is interested in fishing the West Branch of the Ausable in the Adirondacks I'll be glad to point you in the right direction....


Steve (Bendog412)
Kinda lost track of this site when we moved to the Adirondacks, but with spring just around the corner and as I emerge from glaucoma surgery (actually surgeries) I'm looking forward to's great to be back home in Pennsylvania.....if anyone is interested in fishing the West Branch of the Ausable in the Adirondacks I'll be glad to point you in the right direction....


Steve (Bendog412)
for a spring trip if you had to pick.. would you fish the adirondack region or catskills?
Kinda lost track of this site when we moved to the Adirondacks, but with spring just around the corner and as I emerge from glaucoma surgery (actually surgeries) I'm looking forward to's great to be back home in Pennsylvania.....if anyone is interested in fishing the West Branch of the Ausable in the Adirondacks I'll be glad to point you in the right direction....


Steve (Bendog412)
I bought a Hornbeck Classic 13 in matrix last year and pick it up in mid-May. I'll be up in St Regis for a week putting the new boat through its paces. I can't wait.

I went on a tear looking at camps up there a few months ago. I almost bought one, but the boss wanted something nicer 🙄. I had always planned on staying at the hungry trout and doing their brook trout package, but I guess they lost the property w/ the brook trout ponds on it. A buddy forwarded the advertising for those properties, and I considered it for a minute, but I suspect what makes those ponds famous will cease to exist once they develop the ponds.
Nice setup....lots of folks have Radissons...I sold mine....some good options even without Hungry Trout private waters....
for a spring trip if you had to pick.. would you fish the adirondack region or catskills?
The Dacks, simply because I know the Ausable so well and it's a little less technical than some of the Catskill waters.....keep in mind "spring" comes a little late up north...Hungry Trout Fly Shop is a great resource....
Welcome back!
I'm originally from the ADK's. My Dad's side of the family is from Keene and my Mom's are from Lake Placid. Summer vacations were spent at the Family's homestead just outside of Keene, near Owls Head.

My cousins and I grew up fishing the brooks behind Camp and eventually the WB with my Dad and Uncles once we were old enough. ( I went for a swim in that river a number times while fishing 😀)
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